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Ambassador Highlight: Tasia Monet

Ambassador Highlight: Tasia Monet

Meet Tasia Monet, our newest brand ambassador…

Whats your pole/dancer stage name?

Tasia Monet 


What kind of poler/dancer would you say you were? A pole sport beast (all about that competition life), a trickster powerhouse, a sensual low flow goddess, a flexy/bendy babe? The list goes on…you name your style!

I would consider myself a dynamic poler; a high spirited, bendy babe. I’m definitely all about that competition life and love to perform to upbeat, high energy music. Pretty much, a pole sport beast! 


How did you get your start in the pole dance or aerial arts world? Why do you love it?

 Where do I start? I’ve been a competitive cheerleader and dancer for my entire life. I love competing! After graduating from college and relocating to New York from Georgia, I thought that part of my life was over. I put all of my time and effort into work and grad school, but no longer performed or competed. I felt like a part of me was being erased. When you do something for so long and that thing is no longer a part of your life, it kinda feels like a piece of you is missing. We can all relate to that. I thought to myself, maybe I’ll try pole dancing, actually a hobby of my mother’s. I remembered her pole dance performances when I was younger and thought I’d like it too. As it happens, I fell in love with the sport! Fast-forward to 2016, I performed in my first showcase, then competed in my first PSO competition in 2017, and have been competing ever since! Again, I AM about that competition life!


What have you achieved since you started? Awards, pole career/journey highlights? 

It feels like everything is happening so fast! So far I’ve competed in three competitions at both Level 3 and Level 4, earning the silver medal at each. Not surprisingly, I’m competing in my fourth competition coming up soon. Wish me luck! Also, I may or may not already be thinking about my routine for my next competition, Ha! I’ve performed in six showcases ranging from solos, doubles and group pieces. Sometimes I do just like to put on a show without the pressure of competition. 


What drives you and inspires you through your journey?

Pole gives me a platform to explore and radiate all of who I am. When I dance, I show strength, courage, sensuality, joy, confidence, and all of that shines on stage. Through pole dance, I show all women they are capable, whether they are seasoned, past performers, or aspire to perform one day. It brings me joy to inspire others to find their light.  
As we grow older, we think we have to choose work and our careers over things that make us happy. Sure, we have to work... but is that all there is to living?  We forget what it’s like to play, create, dance, and enjoy life. If we don’t let ourselves do the things we enjoy, and cultivate our multiple identities we’ll drive ourselves crazy. I pole to show women to lean into being their full selves, whatever that may look like for them. For me, it was tapping back into my identity as a performer and competitor. For you, it might be something different. The important thing is that you make space in your life for each aspect of who you are. You are a dynamic being! 



What other stunning things would you like us to know (goals, etc)?

I aspire to support women in finding their confidence, strength and light through pole and aerial arts! My dream is to open up a studio focused on performance and competition. I want to create a space for women to dance, create, and play again. Life is too short not to do the things that make us smile! For now, I give private lessons and teach pole dance at a studio in NY, as I work towards my ultimate goal.

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